
Bath recycles more than half its waste

May 13, 2012 at 3:57 pm

For the first time since its existence as a district in 1996, Bath has recycled more than half its waste, earning itself the title of the district with the largest annual rise in recycling.

New research shows that in the last year Bath and North East Somerset recycled 52% of household waste – an increase of 46% from last year’s figures. Statistics show that due to the increase of recycling, 14,000 tonnes of household waste have been cut from the overall amount dumped at land fill sites. This is a significant environmentally friendly landmark for Bath as the area has gone from a 12% recycling rate in 1996 to 52% in 2012.

The success has been attributed to a number of factors, namely the doorstep food waste collection scheme which began in October 2010. Councillor David Dixon (Lib-Dem, Oldfield), Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods comments that “The council’s investment in providing food waste collections is a key factor behind this latest success. We are pleased with the high participation rate and welcome people’s enthusiasm for the service.” The achievement also comes following initiatives which have increased the number of kerbside collection services for varying recyclable goods, and in the midst of a newly built waste treatment plant.

The effects of recycling have been positive for Bath. The food collection scheme has meant that last year 4,300 tonnes of food waste was used as composting rather than deposited at land fill sites. The results haven’t just been green. Due to the reduction of land fill waste, £118,000 has been saved on land fill tax, releasing a large capital sum for Bath council to distribute elsewhere. Councillor Dixon stressed this by saying: “Not only does the level of harmful gases released into the atmosphere reduce, but the council’s landfill tax charge bill is cut, meaning more money is available to protect frontline services.”

Despite Bath’s recent recycling success, 30,000 homes are still not participating in the move to ‘go green’. The council is urging these households to take part in the scheme to both help the environment and save precious budget.

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