
Coca-Cola joins forces with RecycleBank

June 3, 2010 at 2:29 pm

Drinks giant, Coca-Cola, has announced that it has become a top-tier sponsor for RecycleBank in the UK. This partnership has been forged in an effort to increase Coca-Cola’s environmental credentials, and to provide RecycleBank members with more options for rewards.

The RecycleBank scheme is an American idea which has proved popular across the Atlantic. Coca-Cola is also a main sponsor of the scheme in the US. The idea is that people are rewarded for the amount of products that they send for recycling.

A trial was recently launched in the UK in Windsor and Maidenhead, where 60,000 households are currently taking part. They have all been provided with wheelie bins that have been ID tagged. The amount of recycling that they produce is then weighed, and they are rewarded with points corresponding to how much they have managed to recycle.

The points can then be exchanged for rewards in various places. Now added to the list of rewards are money-off vouchers for Coca-Cola products, including £1 off a number of Coca-Cola drinks.

The citizenship manager at Coca-Cola, Liz Lowe, said that the company was “delighted” to partner up with RecycleBank in the UK. She added that “one of the most important ways in which we can get more recycled material to put back into our packaging is to encourage consumers to recycle.”

It is unknown yet just how successful RecycleBank will be in the UK, although its success in the United States looks promising. If it works out it could spread to other areas and will hopefully encourage more people to recycle across the country.

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