
Corus resumes recycling, town rejoices

October 9, 2009 at 4:00 pm

Formed from the merger of British Steel and Dutch manufacturer, Koninklijke Hoogovens, in 1999, Corus Group is one of the largest producers of worked steel in the world. The firm fared badly throughout the credit crunch, cutting jobs up and down the country, and losing a key mill in the North West.

Since then, the Indian-owned company has taken steps to reinitiate dead schemes. The revival of the Corus CanRoute recycling campaign, for example, is testament to the firm’s recovery from the global recession. After a hiatus of almost a year, CanRoute is a partnership between the steel giant and two recycling plants in Pontypool, Wales, and Workington in Cumbria.

The sites will be rebranded in corporate colours, becoming Corus Approved Steel Packaging Recycling (CASPR) centres – a mouthful, to say the least.

Corus has yet to reveal how much it will pay for used cans, but the responsibilities of CASPR facilities have been made plain. Workington and Pontypool will collect and bail steel for Corus, before shipping it off to one of its UK plants. The sites can also store excess material, should the need arise.

Prior to the announcement, officials had issued an open challenge to steel hoarders, urging them to contact Corus: “We are starting to buy scrap again, including packaging. Any company collecting cans should look at getting in touch with us."

The firm is proud of its commitment to the environment, and claims to be the largest recycler of steel products in the UK. Suppliers were vocal in their relief; Corus had been sorely missed by the British and European recycling industry.

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