
Local Council Recycling Event

February 23, 2006 at 1:10 am

The major of Enfield hosted a recycling event held by the Waste Recycling Team from Enfield Council and local community groups to help educate local people about recycling. The afternoon included workshops and discussions and the opportunity for the community to share their ideas on recycling.

With an introduction from the Major and a talk from a representative of the Waste Recycling Team of Enfield, the day helped to provide people with a better understanding of recycling; outlined ways that local people can make a difference and encouraged those who are not currently already recycling, to get invloved.

There was an ECO Van, complete with furniture made from recycled materials, where environmental activities were taking place. Another highlight was ArtStart where children were encouraged to create works of art from from recycled items.

Why not get in contact with the recycling Team at your local council to see if they are hosting any similar events.

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