
Recycle your old bras!

February 25, 2009 at 11:49 am

If, like most women, you only sort out your underwear drawer once in a blue moon, the chances are that you will be amazed at the number of ill-fitting or unloved bras lurking there. You may well wonder what on earth to do with them before slinging them in the bin but, believe it or not, there are plenty of organisations crying out for them.

The charity BreastTalk are always glad of bras, whatever size or style, from sports to maternity or nursing, so long as they are not too sexy – best not to donate your Ann Summers collection! Bras should be washed first and labelled with the size and if by any chance they are brand new, you should alert them to this fact. The charity distributes them to homeless women in the UK and to overseas countries where the technical difficulties in manufacturing bras make them too expensive for many women to afford, especially in West Africa. Bras are lightweight and so economical to ship overseas. Damaged bras are recycled by the charity into quilts which are then used at home and overseas for homeless people, or to keep shock victims warm.

Oxfam’s Wastesaver project will also welcome old bras with open arms. According to a spokesman, bras made in the UK are particularly sought after in developing nations.

A quick look on the internet reveals all sorts of innovative ideas of what to do with your unwanted bras, from the horticultural notion of using them to collect ripening fruit and veg such as grapes and tomatoes, to the somewhat whacky idea of making a “cute purse”!

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