
Rubbish Needn’t be a Dirty Word!

May 19, 2006 at 12:55 pm

I’d love to take credit for this slogan but it does in fact belong to the creators of Haven’t heard of them? Well listen up. If you are interested in novel new ways to conserve resources and be more environmentally friendly then this is definitely worth a look.

So what is the idea of Well, do you ever empty a container, packet, box etc and think to yourself just as you are about to throw it in the bin “hmm, this is too nice to throw away really, what else could I use it for…?” I know I have done it before and hoarded items, sometimes reused, but often not. Here’s where comes in. You may have found the perfect use for that empty cereal box and want to share it with the world or you may be stumped at what to do with that funky chocolate container and need some inspiration.

Reusing is an important factor in reducing the amount of waste we throw out and conserving the earths resources. This site highlights the fact that so much effort is sometimes invested in making packaging look good so why not take advantage and continue enjoying the design and functionality by making a new use for that ‘waste’ item.

So, you can browse Junkk’s idea section to find out how to make a woggle out of a bottle top or a set of dumbbells out if a couple of empty malteser containers and you can submit your own creations too. There is also plenty of items on there with a reuse idea required so get if you are feeling creative about an empty bottle, jar or well designed packaging then have a browse and add your idea.

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