
Uk hits target for carpet recycling

February 10, 2014 at 12:55 pm

The 25% target for recycling of carpet has been smashed two years early.

According to statistics released by Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK), carpet recycling has increased by 21% in the last year. The figures show that in 2013, UK recycled, reused, and recovered 107,000 metric tons of carpet.

This is extremely important with the landfill diversion target looming, set to be reached by 2015. However, due to the large increase in recycling over the previous year, CRUK has stated that the original target has already been exceeded two years earlier than planned.

Set in 2008, the landfill diversion target for carpet was 400,000 metric tons of scrap carpet to be recycled or reused. This resulted in the formation of CRUK to deal with the costly issue of scrap carpet. Their push has been successful, shown by the enormous increase across the UK.

However, rather than sit back and revel in success, the organisation has given itself a brand new goal of 60 percent by 2020. Luckily, valuable raw materials can be extracted from carpets, which creates an interest in the goal for commercial businesses.

CRUK’s director, Laurance Bird is extremely happy with the progress and believes that the new goal is entirely achievable, especially with the new commercial interest in raw material extraction. He believes that with technological advancements this interest can only increase. He comments, saying “Possibilities are growing all the time as entrepreneurs from a complete cross-section of manufacturing and commercial enterprises continue to push the boundaries of what can be achieved.”

The next steps to meet the new target focus around local authorities. Not only has the total amount of recycled carpet risen, the number of local authorities providing services for this process has increased dramatically too. Over the past 18 months, the number of local councils collecting and segregating waste carpet has grown from 15 to 45: a 200% increase. Instrumental in assisting the removal and recycling of household carpets, Bird feels that the need to encourage local councils to improve these services is imperative, as domestic residences are the main source of carpets. By improving services, residents will be able to access the services more easily, encouraging carpet recycling and the achievement of the goal. Equally, CRUK intend to put pressure on those local authorities not offering these services at all currently.

Commercial sources are also a huge focus for CRUK, especially since Scotland has implemented compulsory material segregation for commercial waste. With local authorities being able to see the benefits of this policy, Bird believes that this may spur areas in England to introduce a similar strategy, helping with the overall carpet recycling goal.

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One response to “Uk hits target for carpet recycling”

  1. Joanne says:

    Really fantastic news! I think people want to recycle, it’s just a case of awareness. If they know they can recycle carpet they will, they just need to know they can.