Waste and recyling targets

The need to recycle has been recognised by the government and environment agencies who have set a number of realistic targets over the approaching years. District councils aim to achieve these recycling targets with the aid of government funding.

Government Targets

The Landfill Directive states targets for reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill sites in the UK. The targets are:

  • By 2010, the waste sent to landfills should be 75% of that sent in 1995
  • By 2013, the waste sent to landfills should be 50% of that sent in 1995
  • By 2015, the waste sent to landfills should be 35% of that sent in 1995

In order to achieve this directive, ‘Waste Strategy 2000’ introduced the following targets for waste recovery.

  • Recover 40% of waste by 2005
  • Recover 45% of waste by 2010
  • Recover 67% of waste by 2015

The government has also published national recycling targets in ‘Waste Strategy 2000’.

  • 25% of household waste should be recycled or composted by 2005
  • 30% of household waste should be recycled or composted by 2010
  • 33% of household waste should be recycled or composted by 2015
  • The recycling targets for individual local authorities is 30% by 2005/2006

The government has issued a ‘Waste Performance and Efficiency Grant’ of £260 million to aid local authorities in waste reduction, increased recycling and diversion from landfills.

The Environment Agency

The Environment Agency works to protect and improve the environment in England and Wales. They provide a huge number of environmental services and work with local authorities and government agencies to reach their targets.

The Environment Agency aim to:

  • Continuously improve air, land and water quality.
  • Encourage conservation efforts regarding animals, plants and natural resources.
  • Implement pollution control efforts.
  • Reduce the amount of household waste by encouraging people to reuse and recycle.
  • Improve standards of waste disposal.
  • Educate and inform people about environmental issues.

You can get in touch with your regional Environment Agency office or contact their head office at:

Head Office
Rio House
Waterside Drive
Aztec West
BS32 4UD

Telephone: 08708 506 506